Environmental Consultants

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Environmental consultancy, survey, monitoring and mapping services

What we do:

Marine Bio-images Blog

We are Environmental Consultants based in Exeter, Devon, UK. We specialise in all aspects of marine and aquatic survey, EIA, data acquisition and advising on sensitive development and minimisation of environmental impact. We have particular expertise in diver surveys of marine habitats and remote camera surveys (drop video, towed camera sleds, drop stills, timelapse) We are experienced in biotope and habitat mapping and the production of GIS mapped data We also collaborate with specialists in related fields to provide teams that cover all aspects of marine environmental projects.

Marine Bio-images survey team at work (Swipe through on touch screen devices to view all images)

Lyme Bay Monitoring. A short clip of Marine Bio-images divers collecting monitoring data

Email Marine Bio-images or phone 07926 478 199 (from outside the UK +44 7926 478 199)

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A Marine Bio-images scientific diver ascendings at the end of a survey dive. Colin Munro

Marine bio-images scientific diver Dr Lin Baldock ascending after completeing biological monitoring working, Lyme Bay, Southwest England.

We are a small team of professional marine biologists with over 25 years experience in scientific diving, underwater imaging, marine species identification and designing and conducting seabed survey and monitoring programs.

We also do intertidal surveys

Rockpool with beadlet anemones (Actinia equina) common periwinkles (Littornia littorea) and encrusting coralline algae.

Marine Bio-images is owned by Colin Munro, who is also senior consultant for all projects.

Colin Munro Colin Munro Linkedin Profile Contact me: Email me

Tel. +44 (0)7926 478 199

Diving surveys. Biological and environmental diving surveys. Marine bio-images can provide professional, experience HSE qualified divers and dive teams. Our divers are also highly experienced marine biologists and ecologists with many years practical experience in marine species identification and environmental impact assessment. Marine bio-images will organise all diving logistics. We are also HSE registered Diving Contractors with many years experience in organising dive surveys in the UK and Worldwide.

Underwater remote camera surveys. We conduct towed underwater camera sled and drop down camera surveys using our own purpose built systems. These will operate from 1 to 100 metres depth.

Marine habitat mapping. For environmental impact assessment (EIA) or environmental monitoring. This includes data collection and GIS mapping.

Video analysis. We also analyse underwater video footage collected by other parties. This includes species identification and quantification and habitat description and mapping.

Environmental Impact Assessment, Marine biological seabed survey and monitoring, remote camera surveys, diving surveys, underwater photography and video, remote video and stills, grab and core sampling.

We are an environmental consultancy based in Exeter, Devon, UK, specialists in Port, harbour and Marina Development, Pipeline corridor surveys, Marine Habitat mapping, intertidal and subtidal survey, sediment sampling, rocky shore survey and mapping.

Professional scientific diving services, diving and marine logisitics for underwater filming, grab and core sampling, underwater photography and video, species identification

Email me

Tel. +44 (0)7926 478 199

SGC Marine Building
Haven Road
Devon, UK

Remote video and Stills System

Drop video and high resolution drop camera

Our lightweight drop camera system can be used as a drop video system, drop stills camera system or a combined video and stills camera system. Remote video is very useful for providing a rapid overview of marine habitats and structures and for mapping extensive features (e.g. seagrass beds, reefs and wrecks) however even HD video is poor for producing detailed species lists and counts. This is because most HD produces stills images less than 1 megapixel in size and, because of the nature of video capture, these often suffer from motion blur. By combining video with regular high resolution (10 megapixel) stills snapshots which are sharp and well lit we are able to conduct rapid mapping of underwater features and simultaneously produce high quality stills suitable for detailed analysis.

Our drop camera system is lightweight, small enough to be carried as personal luggage on airlines, does not require external power and the topside unti is fully waterproof so can be deployed from small open boats. It currently has a working depth of 0-45m. Deeper systems can be supplied with a little notice.


Marine bio-images drop stills and video camera system being deployed as part of the Lamlash Bay no-take zone monitoring programme.


Marine bio-images drop video camera system being deployed to map Posidiona seagrass meadows, Mediterranean, Southern Italy.

Updated 30th March 2014
All images Copyright Colin Munro

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All text and photographs on this website are the property of Colin Munro unless otherwise identified and as such are protected by international and UK copyright laws. The right to download, store or print any image on this is granted for review purposes only unless authorised by Colin Munro. The images on this site may not be be copied, modified or redistributed in any way without the prior written permission of Colin Munro, Marine Bio-images.