Remote video and stills survey and monitoring

Marine Bio-images drop stills camera and video system being deployed from a RIB as part of our monitoring of Lamlash Bay no-take zone

arine Bio-images drop stills camera and video system being deployed from our rigid inflatable boat as part of our monitoring of Lamlash Bay no-take zone

Our lightweight drop camera system can be used as a drop video system, drop stills camera system or a combined video and stills camera system. Remote video is very useful for providing a rapid overview of marine habitats and structures and for mapping extensive features (e.g. seagrass beds, reefs and wrecks) however even HD video is poor for producing detailed species lists and counts. This is because most HD produces stills images less than 1 megapixel in size and, because of the nature of video capture, these often suffer from motion blur. By combining video with regular high resolution (10 megapixel) stills snapshots which are sharp and well lit we are able to conduct rapid mapping of underwater features and simultaneously produce high quality stills suitable for detailed analysis.

Our drop camera system is lightweight, small enough to be carried as personal luggage on airlines, does not require external power and the topside unti is fully waterproof so can be deployed from small open boats. It currently has a working depth of 0-45m. Deeper systems can be supplied with a little notice.

I will add seabed stills and video footage shortly, meanwhile you can contact me for further info at


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