Diver surveys and Scientific diving services

A Marine Bio-images diver conducts species counts within random quadrats on the seabed in Lyme bay, Southwest England.

A Marine Bio-images diver conducts species counts within random quadrats on the seabed in Lyme bay, Southwest England.

Much seabed data can be collected remotely nowadays, but sometimes, when detailed biological data, high quality images or detailed inspection is required, the only practical solution is to use professional scientific divers.  Marine Bio-images can provide HSE qualified dive teams comprising highly experienced diving marine biologists. Our divers are both very experienced SCUBA divers and biologists with many years experience in underwater data collection, survey and sampling.  To discuss a diving project call +44(0)7926478199 or email marine bio-images here.

Marine Bio-images diving biologist collecting sediment core samples for infauna analysis, particle size analysis and analysis for carbon content.   Colin Munro

Marine Bio-images diving biologist collecting sediment core samples for infauna analysis, particle size analysis and analysis for carbon content.

A Marine Bio-images scientific diver videos along a survey transect line as part of a no-take-zone monitoring programme.  West Scotland. Colin Munro.  Marine Bio-images

A Marine Bio-images scientific diver videos along a survey transect line as part of a no-take-zone monitoring programme. West Scotland.

Marine Bio-images diver Colin Munro preparing to dive with Sony EX1 HD video camera to recoding impacts of trawl gear on the seabed.

Marine Bio-images diver Colin Munro preparing to dive with Sony EX1 HD video camera to recoding impacts of trawl gear on the seabed. image (C) Holly Latham

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